
Islamic Texts - Website containing the translated texts/books of prominent scholars (including Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Kathir to name a few) free to download.


As-Safara Al-Keram - Intro level tajweed course by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi.

Tajweed with Sheikh Musa Abu Zaghleh - Series by Sheikh Musa Abu Zaghleh very thoroughly explaining the rules of tajweed.

Tajweed with Sheikh Mishary - 2hr crash course on tajweed by Sheikh Mishary in both Arabic and English.

The Message of the Quran - Series by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi covering the overarching message of Quran, one juz at a time over the course of 30 videos.

The Qur'an: The Eternal Living Miracle of God - We have all heard that the miracle of our Prophet ﷺ is the Quran. But how is it a miracle? And why is his miracle the most miraculous of all miracles ever bestowed on any prophet? In this seminar, Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi summarizes some of the main points regarding the miraculous nature of the Quran.

Quranflash - Website that contains full copies of the Quran in different formats (Uthmani script, IndoPak Script, etc.) as well as different riwayaat (Hafs, Douri, Warsh, etc.).

Seerah/Islamic History

Seerah of Prophet Muhammad - Ongoing series on the biography of the greatest man that ever lived by Ustadh Abdulrahman Hassan.

Seerah of Prophet Muhammed - Arguably the most comprehensive series on the biography of the the Prophet ﷺ in the English language by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi.

Stories of the Prophets - Video series by Mufti Ismail Menk covering the stories of the prophets and the lessons we can derive from them.

The Firsts - There are forerunners in every age and circumstance. They rise to the occasion, and inspire a generation. They are the firsts that are chosen to lead the way for humanity. In this series, we will go through not only the famous firsts in Islamic history, but the firsts that are distinguished in the hereafter. Join Sh. Omar Suleiman in this running series as he dives into the significance of these figures with emphasis on how they dealt with being the firsts of their kind, and how we can aspire to be like them.


Dawah Training - Free and extremely beneficial course on how to become a da’ee (a caller to Islam) and how to go about giving dawah (invitation to Islam) based on years of experience and thousands of shadahs across the world.

Divine Link: The Argument From Dependency for God’s Existence - Thorough and well-presented argument for why God must exist.

7 Reasons Why Allah is Worthy of Worship - Hamza Tzortzis presents a compelling list of arguments for why Allah is worthy of worship.

Islam, Evolution, and Darwinism - In an age of science and reason, people are uncertain about Islam's relationship with science and in particular Darwinian evolution. This lecture covers the relationship between science and certainty, why the Darwinian theory is based on a probabilistic framework, why it's assumptions are beginning to be challenged and the disputes that exist about it's most fundamental ideas, darwinism as a religious and ethical system, and the Islamic stance on the Darwinian Theory.